Friday 30 April 2010

Soaplessly lost in Prague

So, after braving Leipzig in all it's metropolitan glory, I say glory- the haunted house feel and marijuana leaf adorned hookah shop next door took away from the shine but it was still nice, we set off for Prague this morning. Having our priorities soundly in order we checked into our hostel then set off in search of wifi. That turned into a several hour jaunt around the city, wherein we happened upon most of the major landmarks entirely by accident. So today we walked. A lot. I got ripped off by a ridiculous currency exchange stall (travellers tip: hang onto your money until you know how much you're getting), and we invested in processed cheese, dry bread and tiny hams. Quote of the day: 'I know exactly where we are!' (I'm still dubious, Rob found our hostel in the same way Columbus 'meant' to find America).
Anyway, all is still well, for now, Ollie

Contrary to Mr cynical, I liked Leipzig; our first night out in Europe stumbling around a large city like lost little boys. The hostel wasn't the best. We arrived in Prague quickly after a series of perfectly timed trains, and spent all afternoon wandering aimlessly and admiring the city. Having dined on bread and tiny hams and chatted to our Peruvian roomies, we've wandered a little more and are now sat in a nice little bar near the center of Prague.
Missing you, Rob

1 comment:

  1. Chaps, sorry to hear that Ollie has been a bit ripped off. Use Banks' or be prepared to negotiate. Usually the best rates are obtained near the stations where there is competition. The rest sounds fun though, (jealous as hell). Dad
