Sunday 2 May 2010

Czeching out

For all you avid wifi enthusiasts out there you can succesfully tick off Brno train station, and it is from there that this entry comes. Yesterday was very . . Uphill. But it was worth it. We scaled what I still contest was a small mountain up to the castle in Prague, the views were incredible. We spent the rest of the day walking around the town and realising that mid day on a Saturday was probably not the best time to be in the touristy areas. Our diet of bread and cheese is wearing thin and we're both craving proper, hot food. Oh well, such is te life of a traveller. Bratislava next, ollie

It was a little hill! I haven't much to add. Prague is a beautiful place. It really hits you when you realise you're stopping at every street to stare. Even on small streets every building is a different colour. Makes London look pretty bad. Anyway, got to run for a train now! Rob x

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