Sunday 23 May 2010

Call me Kinder Cupid

So I just got authorisation to write about this from the friend it involves. So here goes.

On finding out that I'm in Barcelona a friend of mine asked me to embark upon a quest of love on his behalf.
The short version of the backstory is that that she spent a year in England at uni with him, and then moved back to Spain. They stayed in touch and he travelled out to Spain to visit her. When he got a new girlfriend shortly after she flipped, despite them not being together anymore, stating that he hadn't been honest about his feelings for her.

So, as with every relationship where in inanimate objects gain romantic significance, by way of an apology i was charged with the task of delivering her a kinder bueno. Ok, ok Romeo he aint, but the romance was all in the gesture.

So. I walked about an hour across town and found her building, figured out her apartment by cheeky MI5 style use of the letterboxes downstairs and went to knock on her door.
If you ever think you've had an awkward conversation try explaining to a girl you've never met how you know who she is, where she lives, who you are, and why it's important that she got this chocolately gift. It was almost ´a brief encounter'. I mean I have been taking a lot of trains recently.

But it worked! Maybe it was my ingenious choice of the newer and less conventional choice of the white chocolate bueno as opposed to the standard milk chocolate one (a lot less appropriate for romantic gestures) or my broken spanish but she smiled and things between them should return to intenrational friendship post haste.

Epic win for long walks and light snacks.
That is all

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