Thursday 6 May 2010

Of Magnets And Mountains

Yo! So here we are again, sitting in a hostel in Zagreb. We spent all of yesterday wandering round Budapest. It's a really nice city but much much busier than Bratislava. We were out for hours and saw most of the city's major tourist attractions. The parliament building in particular is beautiful, as is the Heroes Square by the city park. We retired to hippyhostel for the night, with no idea of the ridiculously long train journey ahead of us. Took us roughly 8 hours zigzagging back and forth across Hungary and Croatia to reach Zagreb. We're in a nice hostel and we've been for a wander around and the city looks nice.
Rob x

As the days of our trip add up and we come to the end of our first week the lessons we're learning are racking up too. Things like, always wait for the first train, research before booking and 'keep refrigerated' is not open to interpretation ( brings whole new meaning to 'the philidelphia story').

Budapest was a brilliant town, big and busy but had some amazing buildings. We've had a long day of travelling today, including passport checks by hungrian police, Hungarian customs, then Croatian police, then Croatian customs, but were safely into our hostel ready for a full day of exploration tomorrow.
Hope all is well, and if I predict correctly all hail our new shiny faced leader.
Ollie x

1 comment:

  1. Seems a long way from Cheltenham on a friday night - enjoyed reading the blog - makes me appreciate my bed, a hot meal and a cheeky glass of Chablis - cheers Pembo
