Sunday 9 May 2010

Ljubly Jubbly

So I've got a little bit of time to bore you all before we're off out to explore Ljubljana (The capital of Slovenia for you uncultured kids). So: Zagreb. It's a small city but pleasant enough around the center. We split up to explore the city (Ollie was left to do the shopping and returned with bread, ice tea and pretzel sticks...) I ended up wandering past the main square and cathedral in the sun and walked for miles around various parks and residential areas. We've also decided to add Rome to our list of places to go. I can't reeeally think of other specific things that have happened; I'm having an awesome time, Ollie is never going to be allowed to do the shopping again EVER and I'm now off out to see Ljubljana, which looks incredible from what we've seen so far.
Rob x

They were just pretzels. Didn't mean to upset anyone. Anyway:
Zageb turned out to be a brilliant city, very small and pretty but also buzzing with endless winding streets of bars and cafes. Unfortunately on the second day the task of finding another hostel, as our first one was booked, turned out to be somewhat of a challenge. We wandered from hostel to hostel like a 21st century Mary and Joe, being turned away at every door. Eventually, very tired and hungry we found a place to stay a little way out of the city centre, and spent the rest of the day exploring the city.

Yesterday, after washing some clothes (See Mum&Dad, i'm almost a grown up), we headed to the train station only to find that the next train to Ljubljana wasn't for 5 hours. Fantastic. Having exhausted the sights and sounds of Zagreb and with very few kuna between us, we decided to just wait it out. Eventually we arrived into Zagreb last night about 9, after more biscuits and passport checks. Having been none too enthused about going to Slovenia in the first place I was thrilled to find a beautiful city, centred around a Venetian style winding river lined with bars and people and a stage set up in the main square where local bands were playing to comemorate some kind of historical anniversary.

We're now off out to explore the city as fully as we can, and hopefully find food too.Ollie x

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