Monday 3 May 2010

Rob shotguns big spoon

So, the last time we blogged we were just about to run for the train going from Brno to Bratislava. Having arrived in Bratislava, we got completely lost for the first time but eventually stumbled to our hostel. Think it took us near enough an hour to find it, when its about a 10 minute walk from the station. Bratislava is a tiny place; it only takes about 15 minutes to walk the whole way through the center. After arriving at the hostel, due to a mixup with bookings we ended up in a double bunkbed. Naturally due to questionable company I slept in my sleeping bag with my jeans and two pairs of underwear on. Our roomies this time were a polish man with his son and daughter and a couple who apparently like to get out of bed 20 times a night. We've spent today seeing most of the sites around central Bratislava and we've grown pretty fond of the city (and the hostel reception lady). My favourite line of the last couple days was Ollie saying "but what if it gets cold?" when I told him no spooning. Gayyy.
Rob x

So. Seems i've taken up the role of wife/mother on this trip. Carrying around a bag with Rob's coat in, in case he gets cold, occasionally giving him a biscuit and of course doing the food shopping. Meanwhile, when out and about, he handles a map like a chimp with a satnav. Potentially very useful, if only he knew how to use it.
Rob has taken up the Dorothy method of clicking his heels and wishing to be back at the hostel, while repeating 3 times 'I know exactly where we are' whenever we're lost. This first occured when leaving the station:
'Look, everyone's getting the bus'
'No let's walk, save money'
*2 hours later*
'...probably should've gotten the bus'.
Thanks Rob.

ANYWAY. Bratislava has turned out to be lovely, tiny, but lovely. Incredibly clean with amazing buildings. The array of churches and tiny cafes offering authentic slovakian food, looked over proudly by the large white castle atop a hill at the edge of the city, makes Bratislava both charming and easy to navigate. A small mix up in the bookings did leave us with friendly sleeping arrangement. Think soldiers in the trenches though, not frenchmen on a weekend of self discovery. It was all very above board and proper.

For some reason we got up at 7 today, and as a result have exhausted the city by 12. Clever kids.
Anyway, all is well, Budapest tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Why has this trip begun to make references to Gayness already? This is supposed to be about culture and all that! No refs to beer either. What's going on!? Olliedad.
